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Hitz Academy Blog

A blog about performing music, teaching music and the business of music.

Filtering by Tag: The Bulletproof Musician

Noa Kageyama on Challenging Tradition

Andrew Hitz

Here is an excerpt from a highly recommended read by Dr. Noa Kageyama of The Bulletproof Musician on challenging tradition:

Leon Fleisher once told a student (who was being a little too faithful to their favorite recording) to disregard every recording they had ever heard. And instead, to look at the score with fresh eyes. To actually play what was written in the score without being influenced by tradition and interpretations of interpretations of interpretations. He said that when we play what is actually in the score, we might be surprised to discover that it’s not the piece that we thought it was. That perhaps, we never really knew the piece at all.

Great artists, curve-jumping innovators, and visionary game-changers seem to be able to stand on the shoulders of those who came before them, yet somehow also unbind themselves from the constraints or limitations of others’ ways of thinking and forge new paths.

You really ought to read the entire article and subscribe to his feed.  It is fantastic.

Great Article on Slow Practice

Andrew Hitz

Here is a great article on slow practice from The Bulletproof Musician:

"(Philadelphia Orchestra concertmaster David Kim) revealed that one of the keys to his success (and building confidence as well) is super slow practice. A process of practicing in slow motion – while being fully mindful, highly engaged, and thinking deeply in real-time about what he is doing."

Am I being mindful?
Am I highly engaged?
Am I thinking deeply in real-time?

Those are perfect questions to post on your music stand as a constant reminder.


It's easy to be engaged with a stunning sunset but recreating that in the practice room takes years of practice.

It's easy to be engaged with a stunning sunset but recreating that in the practice room takes years of practice.