After a 1-year hiatus, The Brass Junkies is returning soon! Stay tuned…

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Hitz Academy Blog

A blog about performing music, teaching music and the business of music.

Great Article on Slow Practice

Andrew Hitz

Here is a great article on slow practice from The Bulletproof Musician:

"(Philadelphia Orchestra concertmaster David Kim) revealed that one of the keys to his success (and building confidence as well) is super slow practice. A process of practicing in slow motion – while being fully mindful, highly engaged, and thinking deeply in real-time about what he is doing."

Am I being mindful?
Am I highly engaged?
Am I thinking deeply in real-time?

Those are perfect questions to post on your music stand as a constant reminder.


It's easy to be engaged with a stunning sunset but recreating that in the practice room takes years of practice.

It's easy to be engaged with a stunning sunset but recreating that in the practice room takes years of practice.