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Hitz Academy Clinics

Andrew Hitz is an XO Artist and Educational Ambassador for Jupiter Band Instruments who is available for hire as a clinician or soloist.


Working with high school students in Springfield, Illinois

Clinics from Hitz Academy

Sponsored by Jupiter Band Instruments


I have had the privilege of giving well over 1,000 clinics all over the world as an Educational Ambassador for Jupiter Band Instruments. I am passionate about music education and enjoy teaching and performing for all ages and ability levels.

Jupiter Band Instruments is able to cover as much as half of my fee for either in-person or Zoom clinics.

Please email me at to learn how they can help.

Quotes from Students after hitz academy clinics:

  • “I learned that being a good musician means more than playing well, and that to excel in my instrument, I need to have an open mind, determination, and faith in myself.”

  • “I liked how he was explaining and giving information on motivation and how to never give up. It was relatable and I enjoyed it.”

  • “I learned that you don't need to have a fancy background to be good at a specific thing.”

Our Breathing Gym session with Andrew was a paradigm shift in our season. All of a sudden the students started executing to a new level - both in concert and in marching band. Not only did they have an incredible rehearsal, but they have continued to apply the skills they learned every day in the classroom.
— Kathleen Jacoby, Director of Bands at Herndon High School

Topics for Student Clinics

  • Growth Mindset vs. Fixed Mindset: Using a Growth Mindset to Unlock Your Inner Virtuoso

  • Goal-Oriented Practicing

  • Using Creativity in the Practice Room to Make Your Playing Take Off

  • Using The Breathing Gym and Body Mapping To Improve Everything (either Concert or Marching Band)

Topics for Music Business Clinics -

  • How to Make Art the World Can't Live Without (And How to Get It Noticed!)

  • Finding Your Big Idea that Will Change the World

  • How to Make Yourself Hirable in Today's Ever Changing Marketplace

  • What I Did (And Wish I Did!) In College To Prepare Myself for My Career in Music

  • Owning Your Online Presence: Digitally Marketing Yourself in Today's Music Business

Topics for Band Directors (In-Services) -

  • Using Chamber Music to Empower Your Section Players (And the Back Row!)

  • A Band Director's Guide to Everything Tuba

  • Instilling a Growth Mindset in Students

  • Using The Breathing Gym and Body Mapping to Improve Your Band's Sound, Intonation, Phrasing and Just About Everything Else

I always play perform for student clinics and in-services and at in-person clinics I frequently solo with the middle school, high school and college bands.

 If you don't see a topic that you're interested in, please don't hesitate to ask!

Please email me at to learn how jupiter band instruments can cover as much as half of my fee!


Hanging with two tuba players after a clinic in Kuala Lampur, Malaysia

Hanging with two tuba players after a clinic in Kuala Lampur, Malaysia