After a 1-year hiatus, The Brass Junkies is returning soon! Stay tuned…

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Pedal Note Media

A media company by musicians, for musicians

Featuring The Brass Junkies and The Entrepreneurial Musician.

Since 2013, Pedal Note Media has hosted live events featuring musicians from groups like the New York Philharmonic, the President’s Own Marine Band, and Seraph Brass as well produced over 500 podcast episodes featuring conversations with some of the most interesting musicians in the world.


The Brass Junkies has featured over 200 conversations with the most interesting brass players in the world including:

  • Joe Alessi (New York Philharmonic)

  • Mary Elizabeth (Seraph Brass)

  • Sam Pilafian (Empire Brass, Boston Brass)

  • Julie Landsman (Metropolitan Opera)

  • Richard White (RAW Tuba)

  • Carol Jantsch (Philadelphia Orchestra)

  • Tom Hooten (Los Angeles Philharmonic)

  • Nicole Cash (San Francisco Symphony)

  • Hiram Diaz (President’s Own Marine Band)

Watch on The Brass Junkies YouTube channel or listen via Apple Podcasts or your favorite podcast app or check out the latest episodes below.


Listen to the brass junkies:


watch the brass junkies:



The Entrepreneurial Musician features interviews with the best and brightest musical entrepreneurs in the business today. I have an absolute blast hosting this show. Guests to date have included David Cutler of The Savvy Musician, Ranaan Meyer of Time for Three and IgniteLab’s Susan de Weger.

You can subscribe via Apple Podcasts or anywhere you listen to podcasts.


Listen to the entrepreneurial Musician:



WATCH the entrepreneurial Musician: