After a 1-year hiatus, The Brass Junkies is returning soon! Stay tuned…

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TEM248: When Is It Good Enough?

Andrew Hitz


Reminding ourselves that we’re not doing anything life or death here.

Apple Podcasts


TEM248: When is it good enough?

Reminding ourselves that we’re not doing anything life or death here and Brené Brown on dealing with haters.

On Today's Episode of The Entrepreneurial Musician:

  • I am finally getting the TEM Book Club off the ground! Join me February 6th at 8:00 pm to discuss Atomic Habits by James Clear. It’s a life-changing book!

  • What Seth Godin refers to as “The Hallway”

  • The hard part being recognizing when something is good enough to share

  • The tendency of treating our art like it’s life or death (and why that’s not good!)

  • A quote from Brené Brown on dealing with haters

Show notes for all episodes of TEM including topics discussed, links to all books and websites referenced can be found at: