After a 1-year hiatus, The Brass Junkies is returning soon! Stay tuned…

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The Brass Junkies 111: Tim Buzbee

Andrew Hitz


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TBJ111: Tim Buzbee on learning The Furies overnight, winning gigs in 8 countries and being put in a piece of metal

I had met Tim before but never really hung out with him. He is a riot!

The title of the episode is not an exaggeration. The dude has literally won auditions in eight countries! His wife won’t even let him take any more because she knows he’ll win and she’s sick of moving!

We talk about how a boy from a small town in Texas ends up a tuba superstar on the international stage. And we laugh a lot.

You can check out the complete show notes including all links mentioned during TBJ110 over at Pedal Note Media.