After a 1-year hiatus, The Brass Junkies is returning soon! Stay tuned…

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Hitz Academy Blog

A blog about performing music, teaching music and the business of music.

Filtering by Tag: Woody Allen

The Power of Showing Up

Andrew Hitz

"Eighty percent of success is showing up." - Woody Allen

The close of a calendar year is always a great time to reflect on any aspects of our career where we failed to show up in the previous year.  If you planned to learn to improvise, did you start? If you hoped to start a new recruitment initiative for your band, did you get past the brainstorming phase?

Showing up is the key to improvement and innovation.  And constant improvement and innovation are the keys to the music business and all business.

Where do you need to show up in 2014?

© 2013 Andrew Hitz