Winning the Audition — Hitz Academy Blog — Andrew Hitz

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Hitz Academy Blog

A blog about performing music, teaching music and the business of music.

Filtering by Tag: Winning the Audition

Winning the Audition with Hiram Diaz

Andrew Hitz


Are you putting in what feels like countless hours in the practice room but still frustrated by a lack of success at auditions?

Learn exactly what Hiram Diaz of The President’s Own Marine Band did to win the big audition and how you can apply to your own audition prep.


Hiram shares a ton of actionable advice including:

👉 Why in spite of having world class teachers and spending hours and hours in the practice room he wasn’t winning any auditions (and what he figured out that changed that)
👉 How he was able to get brutally honest with himself about what he could and could not play
👉 Why it’s okay to make a mistake in an audition if you continue to have a convincing musical product throughout
👉 Why he swears by recording yourself and listening to it immediately rather than while walking home from your practice session
👉 Hiram’s use of visualization in preparing for his audition (he goes into this with a level of detail I’ve never heard before!)
👉 His method of recording yourself while watching a tuner but without trying to fix anything and what that reinforces
👉 And much more!

Purchase long-term access to this workshop via the Hitz Academy Library for only $29!


Winning the Audition with Chris Martin

Andrew Hitz


Learn the audition preparation strategies that have won Chris Martin auditions for the Atlanta Symphony Orchestra, Chicago Symphony Orchestra, and his current position of Principal Trumpet of the New York Philharmonic in this Winning the Audition workshop.


Chris covered a lot of ground!

👉 The almost 20 auditions Chris didn't win before winning his first win with Philadelphia and what he learned from those experiences
👉 The methodical work he did in the practice room to be able to play his best consistently
👉 How he learned to transfer playing his best from the practice room to the stage
👉 How he developed a "performer's mentality" (and the method was not what I expected!) and how long it took him to develop it
👉 How he dealt with getting nervous in auditions
👉 And much more!

Purchase long-term access to this workshop for only $29!


Winning the Audition with Tom Hooten

Andrew Hitz


Principal Trumpet of the Los Angeles Philharmonic Tom Hooten joined me for a very special Winning the Audition. I can't recommend this session any more highly - and not just for people preparing for auditions! His detailed thoughts about how he goes about approaching his practicing is something every musician should hear.


Tom went really deep on all things relating to auditions!

  • Tom's five pillars to audition preparation

  • Why Tom had to get brutally honest with himself about what he could do on the trumpet and where his approach to practicing needed improving

  • The importance of intentionally addressing all of our weaknesses on a regular basis rather than inadvertently avoiding them in the practice room

  • Why the judgements we have of ourselves and our limitations on the instrument are frequently just an issue of a lack of time spent in that area

  • What is Neuro-Associative Conditioning and why Tom relied heavily on it during audition prep

  • And much more!

Purchase long-term access to this through the Hitz Academy archives for only $29!