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Hitz Academy Blog

A blog about performing music, teaching music and the business of music.

Filtering by Tag: Weber

Adam Rapa & Belgian Brass: Monday YouTube Fix

Andrew Hitz

Here is an interesting arrangement of the Weber Clarinet Concerto No. 2 performed live by Adam Rapa and the Belgian Brass.

Adam is one of the best trumpet players in the world. His virtuosity allows him to tackle incredibly difficult literature and make it sound effortless. What a phenomenal player.

The lineup of the Belgian Brass:

Trumpets: Manu Mellaerts, Steven Devolder, Leo Wouters, Frankie De Kuyffer
French Horns: Rik Vercruysse, Lars Wachelder
Trombones: Jan Smets, Peter Delannoye, Geert De Vos
Tuba: Fabien Wallerand
Percussion: Luk Artois, Gaetan La Mela


C.M. Von Weber Trumpet Soloist: Adam Rapa CELEBRATION CONCERT - 10 YEARS BELGIAN BRASS - LIVE !!! Trumpets: Manu Mellaerts, Steven Devolder, Leo Wouters, Frankie De Kuyffer French Horns: Rik Vercruysse, Lars Wachelder Trombones: Jan Smets, Peter Delannoye, Geert De Vos Tuba: Fabien Wallerand Percussion: Luk Artois, Gaetan La Mela

Monday YouTube Fix: Stanley Drucker

Andrew Hitz

I realized that the woodwinds have been severely underrepresented in my Monday YouTube Fix so I figure there's no better place to start than with Stanley Drucker.  Mr. Drucker was a clarinetist with the New York Philharmonic for 61 years! No that is not a typo.  49 of those years were as the principal.  It is hard to imagine that I first heard him play with the Philharmonic 21 years ago and he had been playing in the orchestra at that time for 43 years! This is a wonderful performance of the Weber Concertino for Clarinet and Orchestra.  He sure makes that instrument sound easy.

