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Hitz Academy Blog

A blog about performing music, teaching music and the business of music.

Filtering by Tag: Tim Morrison

Monday YouTube Fix: Empire Brass

Andrew Hitz

This is simply brass quintet at its finest.  As many of you know, Sam has been one of my mentors since I was 12 years old.  I have never heard any other tuba player play with such character within a quintet.  He is the perfect foundation on which to build a chamber group. The amazing thing to me is how much character each one of them plays with while never stepping to the foreground musically when it is not called for.  The ears that these five musicians have are special.  Every lick that gets passed around the band is perfectly matched: the beginnings of the notes, the weight, the ends of the notes, the line, everything.

I sure am happy I stumbled upon this clip.  I hope you enjoy it!
