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Hitz Academy Blog

A blog about performing music, teaching music and the business of music.

Filtering by Tag: Summertime

Monday YouTube Fix: Eli Newberger and Jimmy Mazzy

Andrew Hitz

Dr. Eli Newberger is one of my tuba heroes.  I got to see him perform around the Boston area quite a bit as a kid.  The most amazing thing about Eli is that he is a world renowned pediatrician who simply plays the tuba for fun in his spare time.  Considering the fact that I've yet to hear any jazz tuba player who plays better than him I'd say that is pretty impressive. And he's as nice a human being as you'll ever meet.  The video quality is a little bit rough but it is absolutely worth the click. Such amazing phrasing, pacing and technical facility does not come around every day.  Amazing! A mighty fine rendition of the George Gershwin classic Summertime.

