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Hitz Academy Blog

A blog about performing music, teaching music and the business of music.

Filtering by Tag: Prince

An Example of Stunning Musical Storytelling

Andrew Hitz

If you’ve ever seen me give a clinic or taken a lesson with me there is a very good chance you’ve heard me talk about storytelling. The whole reason we put in thousands of hours in the practice room is so we can better tell our story.

Every once in a while you come across a performance that is so good that it makes you a better musician just by listening to it. Like something transfers from that performance into your playing on the spot like some kind of magic.

Those performances are quite rare.

Here is one in case you haven’t heard it before. Prince’s While Guitar Gently Weeps solo during the 2004 Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony has been the stuff of legend for the last 17 years.

This newly produced clip just surfaced for the first time last week and it is stunning.

Even if you don’t like the Beatles or Prince or his interpretation of this solo you will be blown away by the conviction. He commands a room full of superstars like few in the history of the music business have ever been able to do.

I’m going to go practice now…