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Filtering by Tag: Paul Dooley

Alarm Will Sound: Monday YouTube Fix

Andrew Hitz

I was a little late to the party when it comes to Alarm Will Sound but couldn't stop listening to them when I finally discovered them.  They are an ensemble that is regularly pushing the boundaries of music and art in general through collaborations, arrangements, and new compositions.

With all the music that has been written and performed over the centuries, it is awfully refreshing and inspiring to hear a group like this which to my ears sounds like no other.  This is them performing Paul Dooley's "Point Blank (2010)" live at the Mizzou New Music Festival in July of 2010.


Point Blank (2010) by Paul Dooley, premiere performance by Alarm Will Sound, Alan Pierson at the Mizzou New Music Festival, July 18, 2010. Video production by Spectrum Studios, Columbia, Missouri Audio mixed and mastered by Paul du Gré More information can be found at: