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Filtering by Tag: Lucerne Festival Orchestra

Claudio Abbado: Monday YouTube Fix

Andrew Hitz

The world lost one of the greats when Claudio Abbado, 80, passed away earlier today in Bologna, Italy.  His many accomplishments included being the music director of La Scala as well as being the successor to Herbert von Karajan with the Berlin Philharmonic. This clip perfectly shows the intensity that Abbado brought to the podium.  At the conclusion of this performance of Mozart's 'Requiem' by the Lucerne Festival Orchestra, he paused for a full 40 seconds of silence before ending the performance, including a very intense glance upwards.  This is a man in the later stages of life cherishing every moment on the podium.

This clip gives me goosebumps every time I see it.  RIP, maestro.  You were truly one of the greats.