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Hitz Academy Blog

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Filtering by Tag: Funkadelic

Free Masterclass on Groove

Andrew Hitz

Maggot Brain Funkadelic.jpg

The main thing that separates good brass quintet players from the great ones is not just having good time but having a great sense of groove.

One thing that all great conductors share is a great sense of groove.

All players who regularly do well in orchestral or military band auditions play with a great sense of groove.

The best soloists across all styles perform with a great sense of groove.

Groove is one of the nonnegotiable keys to excelling as a musical storyteller.

Released 50 years ago today, this album is a literal master class in groove. Close your eyes. Get lost in not just the time but the weight of the downbeats. The heaviness of the groove juxtaposed with a constant feeling of moving forward. Immerse yourself in how various articulations are used to create the groove.

If you go deep (Sam Pilafian's take on deep listening - headphones, eyes closed, phone on airplane mode) and truly get lost in it, I *guarantee* you that your Fountains of Rome or your Bolero or your whatever will be better on the other side of it. Full stop.