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Hitz Academy Blog

A blog about performing music, teaching music and the business of music.

Filtering by Tag: Frank Crisafulli

Monday YouTube Fix: Chicago Symphony Orchestra with Sir Georg Solti

Andrew Hitz

What is there left to say about this low brass section that hasn't already been said.  What a wonderful set of circumstances that led to these four guys all being alive at the same time in addition to playing in the same section.  Below are 5 clips of Berlioz's 'Romeo and Juliet' from an unidentified Chicago Symphony concert. The first clip in particular is as good an example as we have of this low brass section in action on video.  They truly sound like one person is playing all 4 trombones and the tuba.  They were the epitome of a low brass section.  True teamwork in action.

Arnold Jacobs is and always will be one of my heroes on the tuba.





