TEM250: Eric Branner of Fons
Andrew Hitz
The co-founder and CEO of Fons on the value of enthusiasm, his belief in people and why you can safely double your rates.
Apple Podcasts
TEM250: Eric Branner of Fons
The co-founder and CEO of Fons on the value of enthusiasm, his belief in people and why you can safely double your rates.
On Today's Episode of The Entrepreneurial Musician:
Eric’s journey from a very small town in rural Virginia to the big city of Seattle and why he feels his education didn’t
Why founding and running Fons has been like being in a band
Eric’s desire to be around people who know a lot more about something than he does and where that desire comes from
How earlier in his journey he made up for a lack of education with enthusiasm and why he looks for enthusiasm when partnering with people
His belief that everyone is able to find that thing that will light them up
His honesty about saying yes to too many things at times
Why not everything needs to be scalable
His decision to cut back on guitar teaching even though he was making six figures doing it because he could feel himself getting burned out
Why you are safe to double your rates
Why not charging very much for something is a form of hiding
The power of situational awareness
The lesson that Andrew’s father taught him in high school that has stuck with him to this day
The Goldilocks Rule and how he applied it to starting Fons
Show notes for all episodes of TEM including topics discussed, links to all books and websites referenced can be found at: