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Hitz Academy Blog

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Filtering by Tag: Eric Ruske

Eric Ruske: Monday YouTube Fix

Andrew Hitz

Last month I was in the Berkshires and just happened to run into one of my mentors, Eric Ruske. (There are so many brilliant artists in the Berkshires during the summer that one wonders how many you pass on the street without even realizing it!)

Eric was the horn player in the Empire Brass when I was a student in their seminar at Tanglewood when I was 14 and 15. His horn playing, and in particular his phrasing and the singing quality to all of his playing, left a mark on me that remains to this day.

Here he is performing the Romance, Op. 36 by Camille Saint-Saëns. Phrases for days...


"Romance", Camille Saint Saens plays Eric Ruske Las Cruces NM, February 23, 2009 Edith & F.E. Atkinson Music Center Recital Hall New Mexico State University Music Department presents guest artists recital Eric Ruske, horn & Lela York, piano invited by professor Nancy Joy

Monday YouTube Fix: Eric Ruske

Andrew Hitz

Eric was the horn player in the Empire Brass when I attended the Empire Brass Seminar at the Boston University Tanglewood Institute in 1990 and 1991.  I learned the most those summers from attending the Empire open rehearsals.  It really was an incredible thing for a 14 year old to get to experience. Even at that young of an age, I was immediately struck by Eric's phrasing.  He played phrases that were a mile long and his playing always sounded so elegant.  This  recording of the Romance by Saint-Saens is a great example of his gorgeous, flowing musical lines.

We can all learn a lot from anyone on any instrument who phrases like this.

