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Filtering by Tag: Drone Tone

Practicing Tool: Drone Tone

Andrew Hitz

I am a big fan of practicing with a drone. I regularly do scale and arpeggio work with a drone. I much prefer using my ear to tune things rather than using my eyeballs to look for a green smiley face or something like that.

Speaking of green smiley faces, the drone feature on the Tonal Energy Tuner is wonderful. I’ll write about that another time. But today I wanted to talk a little about a less known site called Drone Tone.

Drone Tone is not anything fancy. It only does one thing: it plays drones.


What I love about it is the tone it produces. The drones are comprised of real cellos recorded in octaves. It is a rich sound that is quite easy to tune to. It is also a sound that will cut through a loud instrument (like a tuba!) but still with a pleasant sound. It also has a built-in metronome.

I use the web version but there is also an app for both Android and iOS: Drone Tone

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