After a 1-year hiatus, The Brass Junkies is returning soon! Stay tuned…

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Hitz Academy Blog

A blog about performing music, teaching music and the business of music.

Filtering by Tag: Christopher Bill

Chris Bill Guide to Remote Education

Andrew Hitz

Hello there!

It’s been a long time sine I’ve checked in on this blog. Life has been good but busy. Sound familiar?

But everything has come to a screeching halt. All gigs cancelled. All in-person lessons cancelled. School cancelled for my wife. School cancelled for my son. It’s crazy.

For those of us trying to take our private teaching online, Chris Bill has put together an incredible resource. He lists the platforms to use and then both traditional and non-traditional ways for you to utilize this technology for your students.

Whether you have taught online in the past or are just trying to begin, this is a really helpful list.

And be on the lookout for an episode of The Brass Junkies that drops tomorrow featuring Chris talking all about online teaching.

Stay safe everyone!

Chris Bill Guide to Remote Education

The Brass Junkies 107: Christoper Bill

Andrew Hitz


Listen via


TBJ107: Christopher Bill, trombonist, singer, and multi-instrumentalist and internet sensation!

We did this one right in my office! He is one of the creative forces of the next generation. He can play. He can tell a story. He is one hell of an entrepreneur. He is the real deal.

One lesson I’ve learned from him is to just keep producing no matter what. You have to always be creating and sharing what you’ve created if you want to cut through the noise in today’s music business. And he most certainly has!

You can check out the complete show notes including all links mentioned during TBJ107 over at Pedal Note Media.

Pharrell Williams' Happy - Trombone Loop: Monday YouTube Fix

Andrew Hitz

This is a spectacular example of someone starting with a creative idea and through technology and the internet, sharing it with the world.  Trombone player Christopher Bill put together this brilliant version of 'Happy' by Pharrell Williams using nothing but his trombone and his body for some percussion. In a little over a month this video already has over 400,000 views and there's a reason for that: It's unique and it's cool as hell.  This thing made my day.
