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Filtering by Tag: Camerata Salzburg

Anne Sophie-Mutter: Monday YouTube Fix

Andrew Hitz

I heard Anne Sophie-Mutter perform a number of times at Tanglewood when I was a student there. Her musicianship and command over the violin are both great.

This is a wonderful performance and interpretation of the Mozart Violin Concerto No. 5 featuring Anne Sophie-Mutter accompanied by Camerata Salzburg.


Watch Anne Sophie-Mutter perform Mozart's Violin Concerto # 3 at: Mozart's last violin concerto in A major, K.219 exquisitely performed by the renowned Anne Sophie-Mutter. She is once again backed up by the Camerata Salzburg Orchestra. 1.Allegro Aperto - Adagio - Allegro Aperto 2.Adagio 3.Rondeau - Tempo di Minuetto