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Filtering by Tag: Alex Lapins

The Brass Junkies 50: Alex Lapins and Tony Tortora

Andrew Hitz

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This was one of the funniest episodes we ever did. University of Tennessee student Tony Tortora took us up on an offer we never thought anyone would do and hilarity ensued. And then we got his teacher on the line without him knowing it. Podcast gold!

From the show notes:

Alex Lapins, Assistant Professor of Tuba/Euphonium at The University of Tennessee, Knoxville and Tony Tortora, a senior music education major and virtuosic vuvuzela-ist from Alex’ studio, join Andrew & Lance to discuss what happened and why.

The email subject heading was “Challenge Accepted” and referred to the offhanded comment made in the TBJ Joy Tartell interview. Blind auditions and vuvuzelas were mentioned. There may or may not be video. Which looks like this:

YouTube Awesomeness!

Additionally, based on a request from one of our great Patreon Patrons, Russell Etters, we unpack the ins and outs of preparing for a college audition. Thanks Russell!