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Hitz Academy Blog

A blog about performing music, teaching music and the business of music.

Filtering by Tag: Aaron Copland

The Schagerl Brass Festival: Monday YouTube Fix

Andrew Hitz

I stumbled onto this video which is not in English and doesn't list the players or what they are playing but it features a number of members of Mnozil Brass, Gábor Tarkövi (Principal Trumpet - Berlin Philharmonic), and many others!

It is a long video with some of the finest brass playing you will ever hear.  It opens with a performance of Copland's "Fanfare for the Common Man" that will blow you away.


Days of Brass - The Schagerl Brass Festival 2008 A-2008, 113 min.

Leonard Bernstein: Monday YouTube Fix

Andrew Hitz

Continuing with Documentary Month, this week's featured documentary is "Leonard Bernstein: Teachers and Teaching", a 1988 documentary about Bernstein's teaching philosophies.  This documentary also features Lukas Foss, Seiji Ozaza, Michael Tilson Thomas, Aaron Copland and others.

What wonderful insight into some of the greatest musical minds of the 20th century.  This video is a much watch for any music teacher of any level and for any classical music fan.


Some good thoughts on teaching and some excellent things for educators and lovers of music to hear. Currently out-of-print and unavailable on DVD, I thought I'd make it available for those interested in gaining some insight into music pedagogy and the professional environment.

Larry Combs and the Chicago Symphony Orchestra: Monday YouTube Fix

Andrew Hitz

Larry Combs was the principal clarinetist for the Chicago Symphony for three decades and is considered one of the all-time greats.  He was appointed principal clarinet by Sir Georg Solti in 1978 and stepped down in 2008.

Here he is a recording of him performing Aaron Copland's "Concerto for Clarinet and String Orchestra" with the Chicago Symphony Orchestra under the direction of Erich Leinsdorf.  This recording is from 1979, his second year in the orchestra.

The two things that jump out at me about his playing are his sound and his dynamic range.  The consistency of both offer me examples to strive for in my own playing.
