After a 1-year hiatus, The Brass Junkies is returning soon! Stay tuned…

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Hitz Academy Blog

A blog about performing music, teaching music and the business of music.

Two Resources for Choosing the Right School of Music

Andrew Hitz

Are you in the process of applying for music school right now? Whether you are going to get your undergrad, grad or doctorate, here are two resources to help you ask the right questions to find the perfect fit for you!

The Brass Junkies Episode 75: Auditioning for College

In episode 75 of The Brass Junkies, Lance LaDuke (who teaches music business and euphonium at both Duquesne and Carnegie Mellon) and I answer the 10 most important questions to consider when deciding where to attend school:

  1. What's the best way to research schools and teachers?
  2. What repertoire should you perform for your audition?
  3. Should you take a lesson with the teacher?
  4. How many schools should you apply to?
  5. Is it okay to just send an audio or video recording?
  6. What should you wear for your audition and how should you act?
  7. What should you expect on your audition day? (And how to deal with overcoming nerves!)
  8. What's the best way to follow up with the school and teacher?
  9. What's the most effective way to ask for more scholarship money?
  10. How should you make your decision?

You can stream the episode below or find it on iTunesSoundcloudStitcher or your favorite podcast app.


David zerkel: On choosing College

David Zerkel teaches tuba and euphonium at the University of Georgia and is simply put one of the best teachers in the world. He wrote a wonderful blog post a few years ago that will help you decide which school is best for you.

Zerkel: On Choosing College

If you are a tuba or euphonium interested in studying with me at Shenandoah University, shoot me an email and let's talk! I have openings for undergrad, master's and doctoral students.