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Hitz Academy Blog

A blog about performing music, teaching music and the business of music.

Filtering by Category: Winning the Audition

Tom Hooten on Getting Organized and Not Labeling Yourself

Andrew Hitz

This is some empowering stuff right here!

Principal Trumpet of the Los Angeles Philharmonic Tom Hooten joined me for a Winning the Audition workshop and the amount of knowledge he dropped in just one hour was insane. Here he talks about getting organized when practicing and why we shouldn’t label ourselves.

"Hey, isn't it interesting that I really don't feel that confident of soft playing and I've worked on it twice in 15 days. You're like, ‘Hey, that's cool because you know what? It's not a me thing. It's a mismanagement of my time thing.’ I don't have to be self-conscious like, ‘Oh, I am labeling myself. My soft playing sucks.’ Not really. It's just lacking attention.”

Tom went really deep on not just audition prep but also his entire approach to practicing and maintaining a healthy outlook on the horn.

Topics covered:

👉 Tom's five pillars to audition preparation
👉 Why Tom had to get brutally honest with himself about what he could do on the trumpet and where his approach to practicing needed improving
👉 The importance of intentionally addressing all of our weaknesses on a regular basis rather than inadvertently avoiding them in the practice room
👉 Why the judgements we have of ourselves and our limitations on the instrument are frequently just an issue of a lack of time spent in that area
👉 What is Neuro-Associative Conditioning and why Tom relied heavily on it during audition prep
👉 And much more!

You can get long-term access to this workshop through the Hitz Academy archives for only $19.