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Jean-Pierre Rampal - Flute: Monday YouTube Fix

Andrew Hitz

This video is two hours of footage of Jean-Pierre Rampal performing live on Radio-Canada telecasts from 1956-1966.  He performs a wide range of music.  A lot of it features another brilliant French musician, Robert Veyron-Lacroix, on harpsichord. In the event you are not familiar with this legendary flutist, two things will immediately strike you: his tone and his phrasing.  Rampal is one of those musicians who makes everything sound both effortless and elegant.  He is one of the most famous instrumentalists of all time for good reason.

He performs works by Mozart, Bach, Haydn, Boccherini and Couperin.  I don't know how any musician could listen to this and not play more musically the next time they play their instrument.
