After a 1-year hiatus, The Brass Junkies is returning soon! Stay tuned…

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Philip Jones Brass Ensemble: Monday YouTube Fix

Andrew Hitz

When I think of the best examples of tone when it comes to brass playing, the Philip Jones Brass Ensemble immediately comes to mind.  To my ears, there has never been another brass ensemble with such a unified concept of sound.  Their blend borders on surreal. This is a complete live concert of the Philip Jones Brass Ensemble and the playing is nothing short of inspiring.  The lineup of players is one for the ages:

Trumpets: Simon Ferguson, Graham Ashton, Paul Archibald, Philip Jones.

Horn: Frank Lloyd

Trombones: Roger Harvey, Christopher Mowat, David Purser (doubling euphonium), Ray Premru

Tuba: John Fletcher

If you are a young tuba player and John Fletcher is not one of your heroes, chances are overwhelmingly good that John Fletcher is one of your hero's heroes.  He was a musician's musician who was taken from us well before his time.

Enjoy this stellar playing!