Stevie Wonder: Monday YouTube Fix
Andrew Hitz
The Monday YouTube Fix is back after a brief hiatus due to way too much international travel with horrible internet connections. Look for weekly video links again. In fact, if you have any clips to suggest please leave them in the comments. If you've followed this feature you know I post all different kinds of music. My only requirement is that it's good! I figured what better way to start off 2013 than with Stevie Wonder. I can't name 10 musicians in the history of music that play with more style than this guy. He is a true living legend.
I was reminded of his brilliance when Lance LaDuke and I were eating some absolutely incredible ramen in Singapore last week. The ramen place was playing his 'Fulfillingness' First Finale' album in its entirety. I'm not sure whether the star of the meal was the broth or Stevie's funk.

This is some footage from the studio of his iconic "Superstitious." The trumpet player, Steve Madaio, is amazing. You must be warned...the fade out at the end of this clip is criminal. What I wouldn't pay to hear them jam on this for another 10 minutes.