After a 1-year hiatus, The Brass Junkies is returning soon! Stay tuned…

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Hitz Academy Blog

A blog about performing music, teaching music and the business of music.

Monday YouTube Fix: The Beatles

Andrew Hitz

For the second installment of this series I decided to go with one of my all time favorite clips.  Paul McCartney is one of my favorite singers in any genre of music.  I love how he waits until over two and a half minutes into this tune to even slightly alter the melody he is singing! Today's pop singers in particular could learn a lot from Mr. McCartney. I will never forget about 15 years ago when my tuba teacher at Northwestern University Rex Martin referred to the singing group Boyz II Men as "embellishment without melody".  That is one of the best quotes I ever heard in my life! We can all learn from it too and make sure that the melody, like Paul's singing in this version of Hey Jude, is the primary message and not embellishments, trills, or ornaments.

